1:1 Brand Strategy Workshop

Cultivate strong roots for a flourishing business.

Create a clear vision for your brand and eliminate marketing guesswork.

Effective brand design and marketing begins with a solid strategy.

In this 2-hour, collaborative session, we’ll establish a foundational Brand Roadmap that defines the key strategic principles you need to build a successful business.

It’s a quick, low-cost way to gain immediate clarity to improve all other areas of your business through personalized 1:1 guidance.




clarity ❋ confidence ❋ direction ❋

Is this you?

Our hands-on Brand Strategy Workshop is for you if…

✓ You’re overwhelmed at the thought of establishing a marketing strategy for your brand.

✓ You’re DIYing your brand design & website, but you have no idea how to get started.

✓ You’re a solopreneur who cringes at the thought of promoting yourself as a brand.

✓ You have no idea what kind of content to create on social media, or what platforms to be on.

✓ You’re tired of wasting time on a marketing strategy that doesn’t seem to work.

✓ You change your brand design constantly because you can’t seem to settle on one aesthetic.

✓ The clients or leads you’re getting don’t reflect who you actually want to work with.

✓ You have no idea how to make yourself stand out against a sea of competitors.

So… Why Brand Strategy?

What’s included in brand strategy, and how can it help your business?

  • Understanding WHO you’re trying to reach is vital to an effective brand strategy.

    It’s important to get VERY clear on who exactly you’re talking to — because your brand needs to resonate with them in order to get their attention. When you understand your audience, you know exactly how to approach marketing strategies.

  • To understand your brand’s unique selling points, it’s important to understand the larger ecosystem in which your brand will live.

    Analyzing your competitors will help determine how to set your brand apart. It will identify any unique opportunities to position your brand.

  • What is at the very core of what drives your brand?

    Your brand’s purpose & values is the “why” behind your brand. It governs how the brand functions, both internally and externally. It provides the reason behind your brand’s existence, and guides all other elements of your brand’s identity.

  • If your brand were a person, who would they be?

    Your brand’s character includes its personality, voice, and overall vibe. It defines how your brand shows up in the world and how it engages with your audience. Once you understand who your brand is, you can begin to imagine what they might look like.

Once we establish these elements of your brand strategy, you’ll understand:

✓ how your brand should look
✓ how to create an effective marketing strategy

Get the clarity and direction you need to create effective brand design and marketing with confidence.

When you sign up for a Brand Strategy Workshop, here’s what you’ll get:

✓ 2-hour live workshop session via Zoom, where we’ll discuss:
· business goals
· target audience
· competitive analysis
· brand purpose, mission, and values
· brand personality and voice
· brand design concepts
· marketing plan direction

✓ Brand Roadmap document to recap & finalize what we’ve discussed

Investment: $850 $600

Your Free Resource

Brand Strategy Webinar

This free on-demand webinar will introduce you to the process of creating a brand strategy for your business.

We discuss defining your target customer, exploring the competitive landscape, understand your brand mission and vision, identifying your brand’s unique value proposition, and establish your brand’s personality and voice… and how all of these pieces level up to a visual brand identity and marketing strategy.

target audience

competitive landscape

brand mission

brand identity

marketing plan

target audience ❋ competitive landscape ❋ brand mission ❋ brand identity ❋ marketing plan ❋

Let’s Build your brand’s foundation

Get 1:1 guidance on creating your brand strategy, and eliminate the guesswork in your design and marketing.