3 ways to create valuable social media content

If you create social media content for a brand or business, you know how much time and energy it takes… how do you make sure that effort is well spent on content that actually performs well?

The short answer: make sure it adds value for your target audience. If your audience finds your content valuable (useful, interesting, entertaining, inspiring, etc) in some way, they're more likely to engage and pay attention to all of your posts!

Ok, so how do you make valuable content?

Here are 3 categories to help guide your content creation!

1. Lovable

This type of content speaks to your audience’s interests & values and inspires them to hit the like button to show their love.

For example: something that delights (a delicious recipe or a cute dog), something that entertains (a meme), something that inspires (a motivational quote), or something to support (a shared value or social cause).

2. Problem solving

What is a common problem your audience has, and how can you solve it? How can you anticipate and answer their questions or frustrations? Content that solves a problem for your audience is useful and it helps them feel heard & supported.

For example, think of a common complaint or question that you get from your clients, and share your answer or solution.

3. Relatable & authentic

The best way to grow an engaged, loyal following is to build personal connections with your audience. Achieve this with content that gives your followers an opportunity to get to know you. Show your face and your individuality!

For example: share something behind the scenes of your process, a glimpse into your typical day, a personal insight.


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