5 common website mistakes

As a website designer, I spend a *lot* of time browsing the interwebs and checking out websites… which means I see a lot of faux pas!

These are some of the most common website mistakes I’ve seen — and how you can avoid them.

1. Lots of text, little design.

Our attention spans have never been shorter! Get to the point immediately and lean on visuals to create a positive first impression. Avoid text clutter, and make sure your language is clear & direct.

2. No mission statement.

What is your purpose, who do you serve, and what do you hope to achieve? Put your mission statement up front so visitors immediately have an opportunity to connect with you and your why.

3. Leaving out the results.

Listing your services is only the HOW — you need to include the WHY to convince visitors to purchase. Illustrate what your services help them achieve, and share tangible examples from previous clients.

4. Forgetting calls to action.

Once you’ve grabbed your visitors’ attention and sold them on your value, don’t leave them hanging! Tell them what to do next by using frequent calls to action to clarify next steps (sign up? purchase?).

5. No links to social & email.

Don’t let your website be a dead end — provide visitors with an opportunity to stay in touch to maintain the relationship. This might include social media, your email newsletter, or subscribing to your blog.


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